Chicken coops can come in all shapes and sizes and whilst building one from scratch can be very rewarding, perhaps you already have something that can be repurposed. Making use of an existing structure can potentially save you time and money – just be sure to check that it is (or you can make it) secure and leak proof and you should be good to go.
You may also need to add additional ventilation holes. Hardware cloth can be tacked behind the gaps to make any ventilation holes safe from small unwanted guests such as mice or snakes climbing through.
In the case of the adaptation of the kennel above, the majority of the work involved making a door for the chicken coop as in it’s previous life it had been just an opening. As you can see from the photo the door is just some 2×4 wood, hinges and some more hardware cloth as a screen.
We’re is the place you put the nesting at
If you wanted to make a seperate nest with a little partition of plywood it would probably be at the front of the coop next to the door as that would be the most secluded for her – or she will just make her nest in the bedding wherever she prefers to be.